Anonymous Reporting

LSUE is dedicated to the well-being of students and the promotion of a community that cares about its members.

The LSUE Cares page offers an online reporting system to help students, faculty, staff, families, and friends submit reports about:

  • potential violations of the LSUE Code of Student Conduct.
  • concerns regarding sexual misconduct.
  • concerns about acts of bias or discrimination.
  • complaints / grievances; and
  • concerns about students in crisis or distress.

When a report is received, the Dean of Students or his/her designee will review the details and then determine the most appropriate response depending on the specifics of the report.  Sexual Misconduct Reports are submitted through EthicsPoint directly to the Title IX Coordinator.

If there is a possibility that a student may harm himself/herself or others, dial 911 immediately.  In the event of an emergency, DO NOT use these forms.