Reverse Transfer

Get your degree from LSUE after you leave!

Reverse transfer is the awarding of degrees to former students who complete the rest of the courses for their associates degrees at 4-year institutions.  Additionally, sometimes unexpected events take you away from college prior to completion.  In that case, it is good to have an associate degree for future employment opportunities. 

Many students choose to transfer to a 4-year university before they fully complete their associates degrees.  However, many of these students are only missing a course or two, and they usually take these courses in their sophomore or junior years.  

Here's how to request a reverse transfer degree:

STEP 1: Send your unofficial transcript from your 4-year institution to and indicate that you want to see if you qualify for a reverse transfer degree.  The Registrar will send your unofficial transcript to the Academic Dean of your division, and the Registrar will contact you to let you know if you qualify.  If you do not qualify, the Registrar will inform you of what classes you are missing.

STEP 2: Once confirmed that you qualify, send your official transcript from your 4-year institution to  

STEP 3: Complete the Application for Degree/Certificate and submit it to the Registrar.  NOTE: The form says to send it to the Business Office, but because the diploma fee is waived, submit directly to the Registrar.

That's it!  You will be invited to attend graduation, but you are not required to attend. You will be informed of the date/time for you to pick up your associates degree.  You can also request that it be mailed to you at no additional expense.

Why should I get an associates degree when I am pursuing my bachelor's degree?

For a lot of reasons! 

Getting an associates degree gives you something to fall back on if life happens and you don't finish college.

It's another feather in your cap.  When you're building your resume, you want to show your future employer that you have accomplished your goals.  A college degree of any kind shows employers that you can persevere and overcome challenges.

Also, most jobs require a college degree nowadays, and having that degree can help you become more marketable in the workforce.  This would make you qualified for a job that requires a college degree even while you're enrolled at your 4-year institution.

You will be invited to walk across the stage at our next graduation ceremony.  This may give you the motivation that pushes you through those final years of your bachelor's degree.

Lastly, because you earned it!

What does reverse transfer cost?

At LSUE, it's FREE.  We've waived the $45 graduation fees for reverse transfer students.  The only expense would be the fee to send a transcript from your 4-year university, which is sometimes free or comes with a small fee of $5.00 or so.  It is a small fee to pay for an associate's degree that you earned !